As a response to a lot of readers and potential readers, The Last Great Adventure is available on Kindle!!! After the publisher decided not to release as an e-book, I began to work on getting a release so I could self-publish and we are done!!! Go to Amazon at the link below to purchase:
Kindle version is priced at $4.99. The paperback version is still available from Amazon and signed copies are available at Pick one up for Christmas!
Phillip D. Wilson's Blog
Meanderings about Phil's novel, The Last Great Adventure, life, ministry, church and other stuff.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
New book, "Noah's Rules", is available on!
My new book, "Noah's Rules", is available for purchase on Amazon for only $4.95. This book is a collection of life lessons taken from observations of my son Noah's life as he lived it. It is filled with heart warming stories, great photos, etc. A great companion book to "The Last Great Adventure" or if you just want to reflect on the life lessons taken from your own circle of loved ones. Get it today on Amazon!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Another new positive review for "The Last Great Adventure"!
Check our the latest review for The Last Great Adventure!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Tuesday's Top Eight- Vision Problems
Church Vision Problems
Proverbs 28:19 says, “Where there is no vision, the people
perish.” So, for those that are Christians, you would think that we would be
good to go, right? But during my time in church, I have observed several vision
problems that could use correction. Here’s the top eight: 1. Near Sighted- Would really like to go into all the world, but have trouble seeing past the front door, or the bottom of their wallet.
2. Far Sighted- So satisfied with the slide show from the orphanage in Belarus, where they’ve sent $50 a month, they forget that there are hurting people here too.
3. Short Sighted- Spend, spend, spend, not worried
about the fact that someone else will have to budget for this after we are
gone. (You know, kind of like Congress.)Uses the term “walk in faith” like a
club and a shield to cover for poor planning and absence of reason.
Negative Outlook- The glass is ¾ empty, cracked,
and dirty…and the water is muddy.
Rose-Colored Glasses Syndrome- The church is
in decline, but we’re just fine.
6. Splinter
and Beam Injury- Causes by hitting the beam in your eye against something while
trying to remove the splinter from someone else’s eye.
7. Heritage Hindsight – Afflicted with fond visions
and recollections of days gone by. These folks frequently plow up the corn
while looking back.
“I” Trouble- “I” did this and “I” want that. This
issue is usually brought on by a case of the “Me”asles.
Somebody get me my seeing-eye dog…
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Tuesday's Top Ten: Church Diseases
Last week, Thom Rainer had this article by Church Lawless on his website- I thought I'd share it here. You can see more great thoughtful stuff at
10 Church Diseases
By Chuck Lawless
In the 1990s, Peter Wagner published The Healthy Church,
a book describing several diseases that churches sometimes exhibit. Some of his
descriptions are quite helpful (e.g., koinonitis = excessive, inward
fellowship), and the list itself challenges readers to come up with their own
Here are ten diseases I see as I consult with unhealthy churches
around the country:
Community Disconnect Disease. Churches with this disease meet within
a given community, but they do not know that community. Often, church members
drive to the church building, meet as “church,” and then drive home – without
ever taking note of a changing community around them. In fact, I’ve seen church
members with this disease lock their doors as they drive through the community
where their congregation gathers.
Methodological Arthritis. I give credit to my former student, Kevin Minchey, for
naming this condition. The name says it all: this church is stuck in doing
things the way they’ve always done them. Change (that is, movement) is painful,
and it’s seemingly easier not to take a step forward. What these churches often
don’t recognize is that standing still is also risky. Eventually, they will not
move at all.
The “Grass is Greener” Syndrome. This syndrome is a malady of leaders
who are always looking for the next church leadership position. They establish
no roots, and their current congregation is only a stepping-stone to the next
place. Because they are always looking elsewhere, they miss the present tense
blessings of their ministry. And, though leaders think otherwise, a church often
recognizes when its leader has this syndrome.
Professional Wrestling Sickness. I grew up watching professional
wrestling (with my Church of God grandma, no less...). Professional wrestling
is hero vs. villain, right vs. wrong, good vs. evil – but it’s all fake.
The church with PWS talks a good game in standing for righteousness, but
hypocrisy is everywhere. And, as in professional wrestling, most spectators
watching the show know it’s fake, too.
Program Nausea. Churches with Program Nausea try a program, toss it soon, and
then quickly try the next one. They never have a settled “organizational
stomach” and direction. Members of this kind of diseased church are so
accustomed to change that they seldom invest in any program. Why should they
invest in what will soon be spit out, too?
Baby Believer Malady. This congregation is doing evangelism well, but they
have no strategy to grow new believers. Their unwritten, and wrong, assumption
is, “As long as you show up for our small groups and worship service, you’ll grow.”
This church disciples poorly and often elevates leaders on the basis of
attendance rather than spiritual maturity.
Theological Self-Deception Ailment. I am cautious here, lest I leave the
impression that theology does not matter. No church with an unbiblical theology
can be healthy. TSDA, on the other hand, is characterized by a belief that
teaching theology is all that is required to be a healthy church.
Teaching theology is critical, but a theology that does not lead to intentional
evangelism, disciplemaking, and global missions is not biblical. Indeed, TSDA
congregations tend to be classrooms more than New Testament churches.
“Unrecoverable Void” Syndrome. Church leaders and laypersons alike
suffer from this syndrome, characterized by statements like, “This church will
close its doors after I’m gone.” Symptoms include spiritual arrogance and
self-righteous anger, though they may also include hyper-spiritual speech
(“This is God’s church, and we’ll see what He does when I shake the dust off my
feet”). Church members with UVS fail to realize that God’s church will go on
without any of us.
Talking in Your Sleep Disease. You may recognize this church. They go
through the motions, but the motions lack energy. They meet for worship, yet
the singing is lifeless. Even the preaching is lackluster, as if the speaker is
monotonously only meeting his obligation. Here is one way to recognize the
church with TIYSD: many of the attenders really ARE sleeping!
10. Congregational Myopia. The congregation
with this condition is nearsighted, focusing on themselves only. They have no
vision for the future, and they fail to see that their current direction will
likely lead to further disease and decline. Ask the leaders what their hope is
for the church five years from now, and their description will sound strangely
like the church in its current state.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Book Review - “What They Won’t Tell You in Church: About Marriage"

I wanted to let those that read my blog know that Craig’s
book is a must read for those that want an unvarnished view of what the Bible
actually says about marriage, versus what we Christians have been traditionally
taught and practiced. He delves into the traditions surrounding the typical church
wedding, their sources and how they differ from God’s actual plan, and manages
to do this with grace, love AND honesty. (Note: I shamelessly "borrowed" the image from Amazon- the "look inside" feature on this pic does not work.)
Craig tackles contemporary issues, such as the Supreme Court’s
recent decision on DOMA, the government’s tax treatment or married couples,
including same sex couples. But more importantly, he deals with how WE as
Christians should enter into marriage, the differences between a covenant and a
vow, and how we as God’s people should leave law to the government and
traditions to, well, traditionalists.
The book includes a group study guide, for those brave
enough to bring it into a Sunday School or small group, and gives the reader
plenty of references to support Craig’s thesis. It’s a short book, and an easy
read, that I completed in a couple of sittings. But it will challenge you to
consider WHY you believe what you believe about marriage, and I believe that is
vital to being able to both support and defend the holy institution of
marriage. Give it a look!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Tuesday's Top Ten Church Attendees
As we come together as a body, we
have a lot of different kind of church “attendees”. Among them are some that help...some, not so much.
We Get-
10. Church Shoppers- These are the folks looking for the best deals for them; sometimes they
are looking for a place to serve, but often, they are looking for a place to be
served. Everybody falls into this category at one time or another; the important part is your motivation.
9. Church Hoppers- These are the folks that can’t stay still (Religious ADD) and often can’t get along with
themselves, much less others. (Note- if everybody is wrong but you, it’s time
to get a mirror and find the problem.) These are also the easiest sheep to "steal", as some churches entice members away from their current place of worship to join their fellowship. Problem is, given time, you may want to give them back.
8. Church Stoppers- Stopping the flow of ministry and life- “It’s my way or no way.” Nothing like a strong dose of self-interest to cut the hot water off to a cold drip.
7. Church Whoppers- They have to be seen AND heard. They may know that Jesus is the Head, but
they want to be the HAT. Often, these come from families that may have started or may "run" the local church. The pride and attitude that exudes from them can be poison.
6. Church Droppers- They say, “I can be just as good a Christian at home as in church.” I say
they are lying AND they are sinning, because this scripture clearly commands us
to SHOW UP and HELP EACH OTHER. If you are cut OFF, you are spiritually dying.
5. Church Coppers- These are the legalistic enforcers that want to make sure the men wear long pants and a tie and the women wear a skirt, just like the apostle Paul and all the sisters in the New Testament. (No neckties in the New Testament? Really?) I once heard of one of these sweet saints that would offer to bring her clippers and give a visitor a haircut if it was touching his collar- how's that for seeker friendly?!? They are more about style than substance, still clinging to the idea that your works or appearance will save you.
3. Church Moppers – Humble servants that aren’t afraid to pick up a mop, a broom or a Sunday
School Teacher’s manual.
2. Church Proppers- Folks that lift up the leaders, the sick, the weak, the discouraged with
prayer AND action.
1. Church Toppers- Brothers and sisters that are willing to stand on the rooftop if need be, not to be seen,
but to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. We need all of those we can get!
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