While I know that Father's Day was probably invented by a greeting card company or the hand tools and ugly tie lobby, I think the Mother's Day / Father's Day ritual is a good thing, because it gives us the chance to do three things:
- Honor our father and mother, that our days might be long upon the earth. (The first commandment with a promise!)
- Reflect on our own parenting abilities and give them a tune-up, if need be.
- Praise God and reflect on the awesome Heavenly Father He is for us. (A shining example.)
First, let's talk about the honor. If you are an adult, you've probably come the point where you've realized that your parents aren't perfect. They are people; and people have faults, shortcomings, failures. Sometimes they act selfishly, out of anger or make bad decisions. You may not agree with them spiritually, politically or socially. But that doesn't mean you can't love, respect and most importantly honor them.
My dad was a good man, with great heart, work ethic and a simple faith that translated easily to us. He was also a man with little education, a stormy temper and a lack of understanding that made our relationship sometimes difficult. We often fought over pointless things; politics, religion and philosophical differences that in the end, made little difference. I'm glad I learned that and just quit trying to be right all the time. Remember, you don't have to agree with your parent to honor them.
Second, it's important to reflect on what kind of parent we are. I am convinced that a LARGE portion of the issues facing this country would dissappear if men and women would be the mom's and dad's they are supposed to be. Being a dad is one to the greatest blessing in my life. If you aren't tapping into that, you are missing a well of opportunity for love, life and legacy.
Third, praise God for being the Father we can all look up to. He is the ultimate influence and example. He is the Protector, Provider, and Director for our lives; traits all parents should subscribe to. Plus, He has made the ultimate sacrifice for us through Christ Jesus. A parent has to be willing to made sacrifices- He made the biggest and best.
God Bless and Happy Father's Day
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