Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday's Top Ten - Back To School Lists!

Top Ten Items that should be on the Back to School List

It’s that time of year, when the kiddos are getting ready to go back to school and teachers are asking for crazy things and crazy amounts of things for the school year. Parents are scrambling for the brand and type of glue sticks, crayons and folders teachers ask for, as well as the money to pay for it all. So I thought it would be kind of fun to think about the things that SHOULD be on the list. So here are my top ten:

10. Library Paste. When did that go by the wayside? There has been a lot of talk about hungry kids and poor nutrition in school lunches. The real reason? They don’t have library paste to eat anymore.

9. Fat Pencils. When’s the last time you saw a fat pencil? Do they still make them? Have they quit using them because they send the wrong message that it’s acceptable to be fat? Are they just calling them “gravity challenged” pencils now?

8. A compass. Kids can’t carry a plastic knife to divide a sandwich in their lunchbox anymore, but I remember when we had these metal things with a point that you could have shanked a convict with. Where’s our sense of adventure?

7. Book Satchels.  There was a time when our children carried a small bag with a handle, instead of a backpack worthy of a sherpa on an Everest expedition. Mark my words, if we don’t take the load off, we are gonna see a ton of kids with spine problems before they are 30.

6. Lunch Boxes. I’m talking about the cool metal ones, with a cartoon or movie character on the outside and a matching thermos on the inside. It’s not just for lunch- it’s an investment. Have you seen what a vintage lunch box brings at the antique mall? It beats the return on a savings bond!

5. Snacks for Recess. Do they even have recess anymore? If so, do they have snacks? I can’t figure out why they complain because kids don’t exercise, then take away the chance to play, and complain because kids are hungry and then take away the chance to grab a mid-morning snack while they are playing. Make up your mind….

4. Milk Cartons. The last time I looked, kids were getting their milk in a kind of clear plastic i.v. bag with a straw. We had real, honest to goodness milk cartons. The advantage was that they became instant craft supplies- a little tempra paint, some glue and a few scraps of felt and those lowly milk cartons became Easter baskets (when they still celebrated Easter), valentine mailboxes and buildings for small milk carton cities!

3. Pipe Cleaners. I think they still use these, but call them something else, because nobody’s dad sits around smoking a pipe and reading the paper anymore. But these things were awesome for making animals, bracelets, and handles for the afore mentioned milk carton Easter baskets.

2. A Recorder or a Flutophone.  These are basically the same little plastic instrument that could be bought for a couple of bucks, but I personally preferred the Flutophone, because the bell on the end made it look legit. Add to that a real elementary music program with somebody that will teach the kids to enjoy music. Oh Fran Powell, where are you when we need you?

1. Prayer. If we ever needed it before, we surely need it now. How does the same Supreme Court look at the same Constitution and interpret so differently over the course of a few decades that they have eliminated prayer, religion, and a fair amount of free speech from our children’s schools? By simply reading it the way they want to read it. Teach your kids that they answer to a higher court. Teach them to pray, no matter what, by starting at home…because that’s where the real learning happens.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Words of a Fool

Prov:15:2: The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.
Prov:18:7: A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.

For a generation that lives in the information age, we are some of the most ignorant, apathetic, arrogant, down right foolish people that have ever lived. (How's that for an encouraging word?) For us to find the wisdom of God for us, it may help to look at what He considers foolish words:

There is No God.
Ps:53:1: The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
Watching men try to explain their own creator away has to be the most foolish thing I’ve ever seen. Who cares about the dinosaurs? I'm not accountable to them or for them. I need to know what to do about Jesus.

Words of Blasphemy Against God.
Ps:74:18: Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached, O LORD, and that the foolish people have blasphemed thy name.
Have you ever said something bad about someone and turned around to find them standing there? God is ALWAYS standing there.

“I know more about what’s right than God does.”
Rom:1:21: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Rom:1:22: Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
The people that Paul describes as fools not only commit idolatry, homosexuality, fornication, wickedness, murder, deceit, whisperings, backbiting, hating God, pride, disobedience, etc. etc.- but they embrace these things as socially and morally acceptable, WITHOUT SIN.
Does he describe the world in which we live? YES.

“I’ve got plenty of time.”
Jesus tells of a rich man that has such a great harvest that he tears down his barns to build bigger ones; he brings in the harvest, kicks back and reflects on his accomplishments.
Luke 12:19: And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.
20: But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?
One of the most foolish thing we can say is, I can take it easy, I’ve got it made, I’m going to enjoy life…I’ve got plenty of time.

Satan will never ask you to say no, if he can get you to say…wait.

Don't be foolish.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday's Top Ten - VBS Memories

Last week, I didn’t get a chance to do a top ten because I was fighting for my life. Ok, maybe not, but it seemed like it; I was engaged in the battle royale that is Vacation Bible School, or VBS. VBS is a tiring but exhilarating experience that goes from being elated to exhausted and back again. That said, it seems like so much more of a production than it used to be, with big themes, slick videos and techie apps for your three- year- old’s iPad.

Like any curmudgeon worth his grumbling, I long for the days when times were simpler. Thus, this week, I have compiled the Top Ten VBS memories:

10. Crafts that consisted of burnt matches, popsicle sticks, Elmer’s glue, or my favorite, a plaster cast of your hand, molded in an aluminum pie pan with a paper clip inserted for a hanger.

9. Marching in formation to “Onward Christian Soldiers”. (Probably too militant for the sensitive weenies, er, I mean, church members of today.)

8. Pledge to the American flag, the Christian flag and the Bible- we did it this year, and as long as I have a say, we always will.

7. Off-brand sandwich cookies, with vanilla on one side, chocolate on the other, and a paper thin layer of crème filling in the middle.

6. Orange Kool-aid made by the five gallon bucket, with just barely enough sugar to keep your lips from completely inverting on themselves in a permanent pucker.

5. No church van- just an old school bus re-painted Sears Weather Beater White with a brush.

4. If your church was too small for a bus, a ride in the back of the family pickup with five other kids.

3. Summer sleep overs to invite the friends you brought to VBS over for the night…maybe the week.

2. Those nifty VBS posters that featured a red, yellow, black and white child, just to show the love, even though you probably only had two out of four of those colors in your town.

1. Lessons that weren’t about carnivals, jungles or old west roundups- the Bible was exciting enough.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Vacation Bible School

This week, our little church is involved in a phenomenon called Vacation Bible School, or “VBS”. For one week, we pull double and sometimes triple duty by working our regular jobs during the day, rushing to get ready afterward, and to present Bible lessons, games, songs and snacks to a rowdy bunch of children, many of which are totally unaccustomed to the culture of church. We transform our churches into castles, farms, carnivals, jungles or any number of things to make the theme interesting and engaging in a world where children frequently suffer from sensory and information overload.

Why do we do it? I think about mid-week, many of us ask ourselves that very question. As we walk battle weary to our car, it is easy to lose focus. So, I thought I’d take a moment and examine the advantages, both to the children and the church.

It demonstrates the love of the church to the families of your community. The fact that you sacrifice hundreds of hours in preparation and a week of your summer for these children should show the families that participate that you love them. That is no small impact in the lives of struggling parents and children hungry for a spiritual foundation.

It demonstrates adult cooperation and responsibility. Many of these children may come from very dysfunctional homes. They need the example of how adults can come together and act cooperatively and responsibly on behalf of others.

It creates a bonding experience for the church. The synergy and urgency that come from what can almost seem like a traumatic experience for VBS workers actually bond them together in ways that can’t be described. New alliances are formed, friendships are strengthened…and tested.

It provides a tutorial to the church on outreach. It teaches us how to give, adapt and relate the message of Christ’s gospel to the communities we serve. It pulls us out of our comfort zone and exercises our faith, skills and talents.

It’s about Jesus. He should always be the focus of where we are. Our lessons should teach His truth, our actions should demonstrate His love. If you aren’t sensitive to reflecting Jesus for these children, you aren’t adequately equipped. We must have the patience, strength and love to be kind, gentle and giving to these children. To them, we are the body of Christ; We are Jesus.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Asking, Seeking and Knocking

Many times, we have needs in our lives. Jesus gives us the means to meet those needs. Matthew 7:7 says "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"
So if we break it down, we need to... 

Ask- James 4:2 says ye have not because ye ask not. We often get so busy trying to make our own answers, we simply forget to ask. Asking is about CONTACT. Calling out to God- prayer. Prayer usually falls into 3 categories: Petition, or asking, Praise and Thanksgiving…and Filing Complaints. 

 Seek- Deuteronomy. 4:29 says that you will find God if you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul. Where asking is about contact, seeking is about ACTION. It’s about putting feet on your faith and actively searching for the answers.

We need to look in the right places… a book that contained all the answers…if only we had a spiritual Comforter that walks along beside us to lead us into all truths…

Knock – If I am going to knock on YOUR door, I have to go to YOUR house, where YOU dwell. I have to get close to YOU. So knocking is about PROXIMITY. It’s about getting close to Christ. James 4:8 says that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. If we are going to knock, we have to draw near. We draw near enough to knock by:

Coming to His House- That’s a start, but you can sit on the front row and be a long ways from God.

Coming into His presence- Through prayer and praise and meditation on His Word, come close enough to feel Him.

Walking in His way- Come close the place Jesus lives by walking the way He does; living a holy, obedient life.

Are you asking?
Are you seeking?
Are you near enough to knock?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dual Citizenship

Some people are dual citizens because they are born in one country but their parents are from another country. If you are a Christian that is what you are.

 You were born here but have a Heavenly Father.

We live here, but our legacy and inheritance is there!

You have earthly parents, but you were born AGAIN into Heaven.

Our bodies are made from the dust of this earth, but our spirit is made from the breath of God Himself.


We are American Citizens:

We believe in a Representative Republic.
We vote for representatives that are supposed to have our best interests at heart. Sometimes that doesn't always work.

We are ruled by a constitution and laws.
That works if our Constitution is respected and if those laws are obeyed.

We practice a liberty that is so revolutionary it is almost rebellious.
Our personal freedoms end where another individual's begin...and we are always pushing the boundaries.

Our military makes personal sacrifices to protect our freedom.
They give their time, their freedom and sometimes, ultimately their lives, to defend our rights.

We are Citizens of Heaven:
We believe in a Heavenly Monarchy.
Our king is the King of Kings, Jesus Christ.

We are ruled by The Word of God and Grace.
The Bible gives us direction; God’s grace makes us just.

We practice a liberty that is tempered with love and responsibility.
We should not forget our Father’s will and our witness to others.

Our King Himself made the ultimate sacrifice so we might be free.
Jesus laid down His life... and picked it back up again.
Your birth certificate proves you are a U.S. citizen; The Book of Life proves you are a Christian
Is your name written there?


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday's Top Ten- Reasons to make Heaven your home.

Top Ten Reasons to make Heaven your Home

10. Location, Location, Location - It sits beyond the reaches of time, pain, war, death, and decay.

It’s not a beach front, because there will be no more sea, but you couldn’t ask for a better view.

9. Size- It’s got plenty of room  - 12 thousand furlongs long, wide and high. (Rev. 21:16) That’s about 1500 miles to a side, or roughly the distance from New York, City to Dallas, Texas. I don’t know how many bedrooms and baths, but according to John 14:2, it’s big enough to house many mansions, and that’s big enough for me.

8. Construction Type- Revelation 21:18-21 says that it is made of precious stones and solid gold pavers, meticulously crafted for you.

7. The Contractor – God is the owner builder and it was made with His own hands…and God doesn’t make junk.

6. Lighting System - No solar power, no candle light, no need, because according to Revelation 21:23 it is lit by the Lamb Himself and the Glory of God; in Him there is no shadow.

5. Schools - We have the greatest education system ever know in Christ Jesus because 1 Cor. 2:16 says we have the mind of Christ, and 1 Cor. 13:12 says that we will know as we are known.

4. Security - Revelation 21:25 says it’s a gated community, but the gates are never closed because it is a neighborhood safe from sin because your neighbors are literally saints.

3. Churches - Revelation 21:22 says that there is no temple because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb of God are the worship centers.

2. Sanitation - No trash compactors, recycling or garbage collection, because all the rubbish of sin and Satan are cast into the incinerator of the Lake of Fire as found in (Revelation 20:14-15)

1. Price - Free but not cheap; it cost the best God had in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Are you interested making an offer?

Friday, July 5, 2013

TWO- Count'em- TWO Book Signings in Illinois and Indiana on July 13th!

Hey folks! I have two book signings scheduled in southern Illinois and Indiana coming up on July 13. If you are in that area- SAVE THE DATE!

Book Signing #1- Carmi Public Library, from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM on Main Street in Carmi, Illinois. Come out and get a copy of "The Last Great Adventure", meet me, and get your book signed!

Book Signing #2- Bethlehem General Baptist Church, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, in Fort Branch, Indiana. Come out and get your copy of "The Last Great Adventure" and let me share the story with you!

Please pray for a good turn out, and as always, if you are a reader, don't forget to log on www.barnesandnoble.com and www.amazon.com, search under 'books' for "The Last Great Adventure" and give it a review!!! That will help me get the word out about the message of hope and peace in this book.

Take care and have a great Friday!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday's Top Ten- Changes to make Churches "Southern Seeker Friendly"

The Top Ten Changes to make Churches “Southern Seeker Friendly”.

It seems that many churches today seek to be culturally relevant and seeker friendly. Unfortunately, a lot of these churches seem to gravitate to being friendly to those seekers who are young hipster types with skinny jeans and horn-rimmed glasses. So I started thinking about where I am- middle Tennessee, the heart of the Mid-South. What would it take to make us seeker friendly here? Here are the top ten:

1.       Put a bait shop instead of a coffee bar in the vestibule.

2.       NASCAR stickers, gun racks and diesel stacks with black smoke generators on the church van.

3.       Less church organ; more steel guitar.

4.       Cut the sleeves off the choir robes.

5.       Order ministerial vestments or baptismal robes in plaid flannel.

6.       Camo  pew upholstery.

7.       Two words for the baptistery- Jacuzzi jets.

8.       A sweet riff from “Free Bird” or “Sweet Home Alabama” worked into praise and worship.

9.       Frog gigging as a youth activity.

10.   SEC Football team rankings in the church bulletins.

Y’all come visit with us…