Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dual Citizenship

Some people are dual citizens because they are born in one country but their parents are from another country. If you are a Christian that is what you are.

 You were born here but have a Heavenly Father.

We live here, but our legacy and inheritance is there!

You have earthly parents, but you were born AGAIN into Heaven.

Our bodies are made from the dust of this earth, but our spirit is made from the breath of God Himself.


We are American Citizens:

We believe in a Representative Republic.
We vote for representatives that are supposed to have our best interests at heart. Sometimes that doesn't always work.

We are ruled by a constitution and laws.
That works if our Constitution is respected and if those laws are obeyed.

We practice a liberty that is so revolutionary it is almost rebellious.
Our personal freedoms end where another individual's begin...and we are always pushing the boundaries.

Our military makes personal sacrifices to protect our freedom.
They give their time, their freedom and sometimes, ultimately their lives, to defend our rights.

We are Citizens of Heaven:
We believe in a Heavenly Monarchy.
Our king is the King of Kings, Jesus Christ.

We are ruled by The Word of God and Grace.
The Bible gives us direction; God’s grace makes us just.

We practice a liberty that is tempered with love and responsibility.
We should not forget our Father’s will and our witness to others.

Our King Himself made the ultimate sacrifice so we might be free.
Jesus laid down His life... and picked it back up again.
Your birth certificate proves you are a U.S. citizen; The Book of Life proves you are a Christian
Is your name written there?


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