10. Figure out how to put a parental block on the remote for
Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, M-TV, and the Disney Channel.
9. Get the peanut butter and chewing gun out of the family
pet’s hair.
8. Bone up on your math skills…homework is coming.
7. Save up for purchase of magazines, candy bars, discount
cards, candles, and other assorted fund raiser items that you will be expected
to sell and/or purchase.
6. Use those bath beads you got for Christmas in 2003.
5. Re-acquaint yourself with adults and adult conversation.
Start slow…don’t strain your vocal cords. Remember to use your “inside” voice,
instead of your “come back here so I can knock the taste out of your mouth”
4. Plan a daytime menu that does not consist of popsicles,
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Chef Boyardee.
3. Call your child’s teacher and make sure the kids are
actually going to school and that the teacher actually exists.
2. Burn this year’s summer clothes that fit so they don’t
make a comeback next year as a perennial favorite that is way too tight and way
too short.
1. Take a much deserved nap…they will be home around 3:30.
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