Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday's Top Eight- Vision Problems

Church Vision Problems
Proverbs 28:19 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” So, for those that are Christians, you would think that we would be good to go, right? But during my time in church, I have observed several vision problems that could use correction. Here’s the top eight:

1.       Near Sighted- Would really like to go into all the world, but have trouble seeing past the front   door, or the bottom of their wallet.

2.       Far Sighted- So satisfied with the slide show from the orphanage in Belarus, where they’ve sent $50 a month, they forget that there are hurting people here too.

3.     Short Sighted- Spend, spend, spend, not worried about the fact that someone else will have to budget for this after we are gone. (You know, kind of like Congress.)Uses the term “walk in faith” like a club and a shield to cover for poor planning and absence of reason.

4.       Negative Outlook- The glass is ¾ empty, cracked, and dirty…and the water is muddy.

5.       Rose-Colored Glasses Syndrome- The church is in decline, but we’re just fine.

6.     Splinter and Beam Injury- Causes by hitting the beam in your eye against something while trying to remove the splinter from someone else’s eye.

7.     Heritage Hindsight – Afflicted with fond visions and recollections of days gone by. These folks frequently plow up the corn while looking back.

8.       “I” Trouble- “I” did this and “I” want that. This issue is usually brought on by a case of the “Me”asles.

Somebody get me my seeing-eye dog…

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